Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Whirling Durbin and Curious George

I am posting twice today because I am perplexed. Now I am generally perplexed everyday but today it has risen to the level of annoying perplexity. For those of you who know the Curmudgeon only as a superhero and are not aware of his secret identity, in real life he is a conservative.

As such, I have no love for the senior U.S. Senator from Illinois. Sen Durbin, to the best of my knowledge has never met a spending program or tax he didn't like, unless of course you count operations to keep America secure as spending programs. But in my mind, his most recent actions have gone from irritating liberalism to downright lunacy. I have searched in vain but find no cogent reason which would explain his advocating for the commutation and release of former Governor and current Convicted Felon, George Ryan.

According to Durbin, it is a compassionate request to allow the 74 year old to spend time with his wife who is in failing health. Big deal!!!! There is something more that I and most of the media are not seeing. There has to be. If there wasn't, then why wouldn't Durbin be advocating for the commutation of the sentences of all federal inmates 74 or older. I am sure that they all have families and that many have spouses who are not necessarily in the pink (that tends to happen as we get older). But you don't hear Mr. Durbin rallying for the cause of all of the other federally incarcerated septuagenarians.

Ryan is a criminal and is rightly being treated like one. He should serve all of his 74 month sentence. That is the minimum he owes the Willis family. There are many below him, who were only following orders from the top, who are wallowing away in one federal pen or another (the goofy underling Scott Fawell jumps immediately to mind) and no one is advocating for them to be released. Not that anyone should, by the way. So what makes Ryan so appealing to Durbin? Sure he gets publicity, but what does he care he was just re-elected to 6 more interminable (editorial comment) years. I do notice that he didn't spring the "Free George" campaign until after he was safely re-ensconced in the Senate. Has George promised him a lifetime of $4 generic prescription refills?

I don't know that anyone will ever know, but it doesn't give me much faith (not that I had much to begin with) in my Senator. You know, if Joey "The Clown" Lombardo plays his cards right maybe Sen. Durbin..... But that will be another story for another day.

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